From the Tips – FDL Golf Update March 2024

Dear FDL Golf Members,

We hope this message finds you well and that you are as excited about the start of the Golf Season as we are!  As we roll into April the season really ramps up and hopefully the weather will follow suit!

We appreciate everyone who came out to our Golf Season Kick Off Party and it was also great to see so many people at our other Golf League meetings/dinners.  If participation in these events is any indication, we are sure to have great participation in our Leagues and Events this coming season.

Let’s get started with a look at what’s in store for April!

  • Golf Leagues & Season Long Match Play events – Our Men’s and Ladies Golf Leagues get started in April and we have several opportunities for you to enjoy some fun competition while making new friends and golf partners!  Here is a quick rundown on our Leagues with location, days and times:
    • Ladies Leagues
      • Polo Fields Ladies Golf Association
        • 18 Hole Group: Monday mornings at 9 a.m.
        • 9 Hole Group: Wednesday evenings at 6:00 p.m.
      • Persimmon Ridge Ladies Golf Association
        • 18 Hole Group: Wednesday mornings 9:15 a.m. Shotgun
    • Men’s Leagues
      • Polo Fields Men’s Golf Association
        • 9 Holes: Thursday evening 6:00 p.m. Shotgun (5:30 p.m. first few weeks)
        • 18 Holes: Saturday mornings 9:00 a.m. Shotgun
      • Persimmon Ridge Men’s Golf Association
        • 9 Holes: Wednesday evening 5:30 p.m. Shotgun
      • Oxmoor Men’s Golf Association
        • 9 Holes: Tuesday evening 6:00 p.m. Shotgun
      • Persimmon Ridge Senior Group – The Persimmon Ridge Senior Group plays Weekdays M-F at 10:00.  Anyone is welcome to play in their $8 game.  You must either call ahead or show up 30 minutes before start time.  Mondays and other days Persimmon is closed; they play at Polo or Oxmoor.
    • Season Long Match Play events:
      • Posting Scores: One of the biggest goals of our new Handicap committee is to make sure all Match Play scores are accurately posted.  All Match Play scores must be posted as a “Competition Score” the day the match is completed.  In order to accomplish this we have instituted an new policy for unposted Match Play Scores as follows:
        • Policy on Match Play posting in regards to being found not posting a score from a match:
          • First offense – Warning and score must get posted
          • Second offense – A penalty score will be posted
          • Third offense – Player will be disqualified from the Match Play competition
        • The committee and Golf Staff will work together to double check that scores are posted.
      • Polo Fields
        • Our Men’s, Ladies and Fourball (2 person team) Match Play events are officially underway at Polo Fields.
          • Brackets have been drawn and sent out.
          • The matches will follow a monthly schedule with Round 1 Matches played in April, second round played in May, etc…
      • Persimmon Ridge
        • Sign ups for our Men’s Match Play events open April 2nd with a deadline of Wednesday, April 24th to sign up with Matches starting by the 28th.  Use the App to find the portal for each match division for more information! 
        • Our Ladies Golf Association will also run a couple Match Play events: Queens Cup (PRLGA Members only) and Buddy Buddy which is a 2 person team match play event open to all FDL Ladies.
        • Sign ups for our Persimmon Ridge Ladies Match Play events will open in April and matches will begin in May.
      • Oxmoor
        • Oxmoor Match Play event sign ups are now Open and matches will begin in May. Use our app to find the Match Play Events Button on Oxmoor’s page to register!
  • Club Tournaments and Other hosted events
    • Callaway Fitting Days – We will be hosting many fitting days throughout the season and we have two in April both from Callaway.
      • Tuesday, April 9th at Oxmoor from 2-6 p.m.  Click HERE for more information and to sign up
      • Saturday, April 20th at Persimmon Ridge 11-3 p.m.  Click HERE for more information and to sign up
    • Masters Week Par 3 Tournament on the Just6 – Wednesday, April 10th – This fun event has become a Masters week tradition!  Click HERE for more information and to sign up
    • Persimmon Ridge Opening Day Moneyball Tournament – Saturday, April 13th – This NEW format for 2024 is a unique one.  Teams will be drawn by the computer ABCD by handicaps.  Team will rotate the MoneyBall Player who’s score will automatically count on that hole along with one best ball of the other players on the team.  This is sure to be a fun event.  Click HERE for more information and to sign up!
    • Kentucky PGA Jr Tour will be at Polo Fields Saturday and Sunday, April 13th and 14th.  We will have tee times for members Saturday morning and then the Jr Tour will play mid-day Saturday and Sunday morning.  We will then open the tee sheet back up for regular tee times Sunday afternoon.  With many of our members’ children participating on this tour, we are excited to host this event and we wish our juniors the best of luck!
    • PGA Team Golf –  Persimmon Ridge will be hosting the first of 3 PGA Team Golf events in Louisville in 2024 on Friday, April 19th.  These events are fun 2 person team events with both Best Ball and Scramble divisions.  Winners qualify for a national championship and special for the April 19th event: winners of this event win tickets to the PGA Championship at Valhalla!!  This event is open to both members and non-members.  Click HERE for more information. FDL Members be sure to use the discount Code:  FDL when registering!
    • Lausy/Lausyette – Put on by the PRMGA, this event is a Persimmon Ridge Men’s League tradition for both Men and Ladies!  It’s a 9 Hole Scramble with yourself.  That’s right, you get to hit two balls on every shot!  Ever said you could be really good if you got to take a mulligan every shot?  Well this is your chance to prove it!  This year’s event is scheduled for Sunday, April 21st.  Click HERE for more information and to sign up.
    • Hope for Heroes Scramble – On Monday, April 22nd The Kentucky Golf Foundation is hosting its annual fundraiser for PGA Hope at Polo Fields.  This event brings together KPGA Pros, Amateurs and PGA Hope Veterans for a fun day of golf and to raise money for PGA Hope in Kentucky.  Kentucky’s PGA HOPE programs provide all Veterans with FREE golf instruction taught by local PGA Professionals.  The HOPE program is designed to provide golf as a therapeutic rehabilitation tool for all military Veterans. The lifetime sport of golf has proven to be an excellent outlet for activity and competition, but also allows Veterans to assimilate back into their community through the social interaction the game provides.  If you would like to participate click HERE for details and to register.
    • Couples 9 & Dine – Join us for our first Couples 9 & Dine of the season at Polo Fields on Friday, April 26th.  This will be the first of many 9 & Dines as we plan to host them at each course each month throughout the golf season.  Watch the weekly email for sign up information!
    • Oxmoor Men’s Golf Association Memorial Tournament is scheduled for Friday and Saturday, April 26th and 27th.  Watch the weekly emails for details and entry information.
    • PGA Family Cup – We are excited to host the first of three PGA Family Cup tournaments on the Just6 Course at Persimmon Ridge – Derby Edition.  Open to all FDL Members this fun event was a big hit last Fall. Use the code FDL as the access code. Click HERE to sign up! 
    • Ladies of the Derby Golf Tournament – Sunday, April 28th at Polo Fields – This tournament is put on by the Polo Fields Ladies Golf Association and it benefits Ovarian Cancer of Kentucky.  Last year they raised over $14,000 in the one day event.  For more information or if you would like to donate to or volunteer at the event, contact Connie Clifton at 
  • Other important messages
    • Men’s Member Guests – Both our Persimmon Ridge / Polo Fields and Oxmoor Member Guest Tournament entries are opening soon.  We will email this information in a stand alone email for each event to the Men in Golf Genius.  The Persimmon Ridge and Polo Fields Men’s Member Guest will come first in early April followed by the Steeplechase Men’s Member Guest at Oxmoor later in the month.
    • PGA Championship Week – With the unique nature of having a Major Championship in our backyard (Valhalla) we will be doing something unique that week and hosting Shotguns at Persimmon Ridge and Polo Fields first thing in the morning Thursday through Sunday as follows:
      • Thursday and Saturday – Polo Fields 8:00 a.m.
      • Friday and Sunday – Persimmon Ridge 8:00 a.m.
      • We are also taking tee times now if you have out of town guests coming for planning purposes.  We won’t be overselling or giving away prime tee time slots – Contact our Head Golf Professional at the host club for early bookings.
    • PGA Jr League – We still have some open spots remaining in our In-House League! Running from May – June, the juniors receive weekly instruction taught by our golf professionals as well as a nine hole weekly match. Open to all skill levels, players aged 7-13. For more information click HERE
      • 4-6 Year Old – We are excited to announce our 4-6 Year Old league is returning for a second year! A great way to introduce the youngest golfers to the game. For more information click HERE 

As you can see we weren’t fooling around about getting the season rolling into full swing!  Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to seeing you around the club real soon!


Steve Shafer, PGADirector of Golf – Fleur-de-Lis Clubs

Karissa Hardesty, PGA – Assistant Director of Golf – Fleur-de-Lis Clubs 

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